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From the Vice Provost and Dean - Autumn 2014

Data to predict earthquakes

We are part of the academic fabric of the University, and we are always looking for ways not just to respond to, but to anticipate, the needs of our users to fulfill our mission of connecting people with knowledge.

Sometimes we can't foresee how a researcher will utilize the Libraries resources.

A great example of that is in this quarter's e-news: Data from a decades-old thesis sitting on the Libraries' shelves resulted in changes in how scientists predict local earthquakes.

We never know when knowledge created in the past will help future researchers. With help from knowledgeable Libraries staff, our resources can be accessible for curious academic minds decades from now — even if we can't predict how they will be used.

Read the Autumn 2014 e-news

- Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson

Autumn 2014