Home / Using the Libraries / Borrowing & Access / Requesting and Delivery / Request a UW item for pick up

Request a UW item for pick up

What is it?

Items can be requested for pick up at a UW Libraries hold shelf using the "Request UW Item" button in UW Libraries Search. After clicking the button, choose your preferred pickup location and click "Submit". Items will be held for 7 days.

Who can use it?

Anyone who has a UW Libraries Account.

When do I use it?

Use this service any time you want an item to be pulled from the shelf or retrieved from storage and held for pickup at the library of your choice.

How long does it take?

Delivery Time
Pick Up Location
0-1 day Pick up at the library where the book is located
1-2 days Pick up at a different library on Seattle campus
2-4 days Pick up at a library on a different campus (Seattle, Bothell, Tacoma)


Get Started!



What if someone else gets the book off the shelf before staff are able to retrieve it? Who gets the book?

    If someone comes to check out a book that has a hold on it, we will check the book out to the person at the desk. Your hold will stay on the item, so it will be placed on the holdshelf for you when it is returned. If the book is a regular loan (i.e. not a 7 day loan), it will only check out for 2 weeks and cannot be renewed.


    What if I don't have a library card, but need to use an item that is in storage?

    Procedures vary by location. Ask staff for help.